Veterans and special needs
As CannaBetter.Farm is a veteran-owned business owned by a working-class family, we do our very best to assist veterans and those in need. We encourage you to reach out to us for help. And if you are seeking a product that your CBD store does not carry, let us know. We’ll do everything we can to accommodate you.
We have programs in place for the following:
Qualified applicants who rely on hemp products may received discounted or free merchandise. Reach out to LilMatt@CannaBetter.Farm and let us help you.
Families with Financial HardshIPS
Qualified applicants who have a financial hardship and rely on hemp products may received discounted or free merchandise. Reach out to LilMatt@CannaBetter.Farm for an application.
Special Orders for People with Special Needs
Do you need a high-quality, high-concentration hemp product that you do not see here? Are you unable to tolerate coconut MCT oil? Need a special product or formulation for yourself or a family member? Reach out directly and we will do our best to help!
If you need something we don’t offer, we will do our best to help you get it at the best possible price — at cost or less than cost if possible. Reach out to BigMatt@CannaBetter.Farm with a detailed description of your need, and we will get back to you right away.